The investment fund Lenbach Equity Opportunities II, LEO II Fund, is selling its 100% stake in Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen GmbH to the Munich-based DEBA Group.
Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen GmbH is one of the leading suppliers of premium timber construction products with a focus on solid structural timber. Glued timbers and scaffolding planks round off the comprehensive product range. Since its foundation in 1939, the company has been producing on more than 72,800 square metres at its Pfarrkirchen site, employs around 110 people and generated a total output of 65 million EURO in 2021.
The LEO II Fund was launched in 2019 by the initiators and with capital commitments from institutional investors to acquire and strategically reposition companies in special situations. The takeover of units from listed groups is one of the most common special situations in which the LEO II Fund, exclusively advised by the DUBAG Group, is involved in.
Since the 1960s, the DEBA Group has been successfully active as a property developer, especially of residential properties. Since 2004, the group has concentrated on existing properties and their further development. With the purchase of Holzwerke Pfarrkirchen, the company wants to invest in sustainable building materials of the future in the long term at the Pfarrkirchen location.
taxess provided tax advice on the sale.