
on the acquisition of
December 2022

Tagueri AG – takes over Conenergy Consult

Hamburg-based management consultancy Tagueri AG is taking over energy specialist Conenergy Consult GmbH, based in Berlin and Essen.

Conenergy Consult and its predecessor companies have been specialists in strategic, economic, political and organisational issues for companies in the energy industry for over 25 years. The focus is on the topics of energy, heat and mobility transition.

Tagueri has been a consulting and implementation partner for technology, project and process management for around 30 years. It develops solutions in system and technology development as well as in the field of digitalisation for renowned companies and organisations from various industries.

By adding Conenergy Consult to Tagueri AG, the already successful existing cooperation will be strengthened and well-founded consulting services in the energy sector will be further actively expanded.

taxess provided tax advice on the acquisition.

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